migrant survivors and women with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF), in particular, may be faced with increasing barriers to accessing support, including with immigration issues during this time. The below updates and resources may be useful:
- Right to Remain’s digest of changes to the asylum and immigration process due to Covid-19: https://righttoremain.org.uk/changes-to-the-asylum-process-due-to-covid-19/
- For women living in asylum accommodation who have been served “Notice to Quit” letters – contact Migrant Help: https://www.migranthelpuk.org/
- The Asylum Support Appeals Project (ASAP)’s factsheet about asylum support and Covid-19 here: http://www.asaproject.org/uploads/Factsheet_20_-_Covid-19_and_asylum_support_updated_27.3.20.pdf
- Rights of Women are still operating advice lines – some lines have changed or reduced hours due to Covid-19. Info on their immigration and asylum law helpline opening hours is here: https://rightsofwomen.org.uk/get-advice/immigration-and-asylum-law/
- No charges will be made for NHS diagnosis or treatment of coronavirus (Covid-19). This applies to everyone living in the UK, regardless of your immigration status. No immigration checks are required for testing or treatment for COVID-19, so please access healthcare if you need to: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/nhs-entitlements-migrant-health-guide
- If your visa is about to expire or has expired after 24th January and you cannot travel due to #COVID2019, the Home Office has stated that you will be able to extend it until 31st May 2020 https://www.gov.uk/government/news/visas-extended-for-those-currently-unable-to-return-home-due-to-covid-19